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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Impressions from Youngstown Rally

I didn't get any pictures (dead phone!) but was very close to the stage! Here's my impression, Nancy, to be printed in the blog:  from Kathleen Cardille


Did you ever wish you could capture every moment and save it forever?  That's exactly the impression the Hillary-Kaine rally in Youngstown had on every person there!  The venue was packed and the fire marshall wouldn't let anyone else in the East High School gym so at first we were in the overflow in the cafeteria, held back from making a mad dash for it behind the rope line by the campaign staffers ...Only a few seats, and many, many people.  The campaign bus hit thunderstorms and delays, and so everyone was a few hours late coming from their Pittsburgh event.  I'll give you the short version, then take you through it in more detail.  

Here's the short version: The short version is that four were on the stage after being introduced by the Lordstown President of the UAW. Bill Clinton got a great welcome, Tim Kaine and his wife were well received, and Hillary got such whooping, hollering and applause!  It's strikingly correct that Kaine is a good selection.  His sincerity and intelligence were certainly the defining things about his speech...he was critical of Trump, reminding us what Trump has said and done that disqualify him to represent this country.  Hillary radiated energy and dynamism!  She spoke in positive terms about the future and inspired everyone. Late though it was, it surprised me that everyone stayed, even those in overflow!   Press was everywhere, and it was an excellent return visit to the Valley for Hillary and Mahoning County Democrats.  

Here's the detail:  The crowd was entertained by a band composed of lawyers from the area, and Anna Ciambotti was there!  You might recall her from the support she gave us many times, and her brothers' Inn 62...she's a great lawyer!  Stuck outside at first, soon I was inside.  Representative Tim Ryan had the crowd in the palm of his hand talking about his driving his grandfather around from Youngstown store to store...the best cheese store, the one to get the delicious bread, another for vegetables, and the one that they would not go to, because neither his grandfather nor he would cross the meat cutters picket line.  He talked about all of the federal economic support for the Valley through the first National Advanced Manufacturing Institute –combining local businesses, YSU, and the federal government which he brought to the area beginning in 2012. He was very popular. 

A few others spoke, including Ted Strickland.  Strickland, former Ohio governor, is running for Ohio Senator and he's essential to flip the Senate to Democrat.  Ted talked about being "the $30 million dollar man" with the amount of money the Koch Brothers and others have spent against him so far.  From a family of 9, Ted is well respected because of the key role he played in passing health care for Children (CHIPS program).  Ted was well received but everyone was ready for Hillary.  

and then Hillary and Bill and Tim Kaine and his wife came onstage. Bill had on khaki pants, a shirt made in Reading, PA,  and a navy jacket (for those who ask what everyone was wearing) and got a lot of applause, then really withdrew as Kaine and Hillary took control.  Kaine's wife Ann Holton was a judge and advocate for children in Virginia.  He announced the news that she had resigned on Monday as the Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia so that she could join the campaign. Kaine spoke in a friendly, folksy style and it is easy to forget that he has such a deep religious core of himself.  His self-effacing, moral style certainly is low key, and it's important to recall how he's never lost an election, still lives in inner city housing and sent his kids to inner city schools, and really lives the way he says.  He's a truly good person. a real earthy solidity...authentic, I'd say, and a good contrast to Hillary.  

Hillary has a magic smile, which I never knew, and she was obviously happy to be meeting those at the rally and appreciated us being there.  She wore a red long button down shirt and black leggings.  She spoke in a very positive way with a positive message and was extremely professional.  She's a good speaker, and truly connected with the audience.  The audience really enjoyed her speech and the positive messages she sent.  Much of the speech was about economic improvement in Ohio and Pennsylvania and what the federal government under Hillary will do.  She spoke about a loan-free college plan and that got great support...Ultimately she spoke with eloquence about the need to get out the vote, especially in Ohio and PA.  She has a clear vision of a country where we are important in the world, helping our citizens and running our country better than the stalemate now in place. [ In my own thoughts, we really need to flip the Senate and that means doing everything we can to get Katie McGinty and Ted Strickland elected. 

It was a great rally!  Everyone can't have been there, of course, but the take-away is WE really need to get out the VOTE!  

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